IBM Doc Buddy


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Do you look up error messages to resolve technical issues? Would you like to retrieve message documentation on your mobile devices? It is time for a new information experience!IBM Doc Buddy is a no charge mobile application that enables retrieving z Systems message documentation and provides the following values:• Enables looking up message documentation without Internet connections after the initial download• Improves your information experience• Accelerates the time you spend in resolving problems• Includes links to the relevant product Support Portals and supports calling a contact from the app
IBM Doc Buddy, V1.1 provides the message documentation of the products including z/OS, z/VM, TPF, IMS, CICS, Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Messaging for z/OS, IBM Service Management Unite, IBM Operations Analytics of z Systems, and so on. The message documentation of InfoSphere Information Server is also included.
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